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The 2017-18 Teen Advisory Board reflected on Isamu Noguchi’s exploration of space by working with artist Simone Johnson in organizing Personalizing Space: A Teen Movement Workshop. Prior to the workshop, TAB members toured Noguchi’s studio and learned about the original curation of the Museum’s galleries. TAB members also explored his relationships with other artists and their respective galleries and studios. They visited the exhibition Guggenheim Collection: Brancusi at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, featuring sculptures by Noguchi’s mentor Constantin Brancusi, as well as the Judd Foundation in New York, a building that was used as a home and studio for artist Donald Judd. The curation of artwork in these spaces inspired TAB to collaborate with Simone Johnson, a movement artist, in examining how our bodies can contribute to the gallery spaces. As an open workshop for high school students, the event inspired attendees to create their own series of meditative movements, responding to the sculptures and integrating themselves within the Museum.
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