A detail of Heaven (Tengoku) at the Sogetsu Flower Arranging School, a terraced stone atrium with...
Isamu Noguchi, Heaven (Tengoku), Sogetsu Flower Arranging School, Tokyo. ©INFGM / ARS
Online, Access, Free

Seen and Unseen

Thursday, April 4, 2024
7:30 pm–9 pm

This program is for adults who are blind or have low vision. Seen and Unseen is a series of free virtual tours that illuminate Isamu Noguchi’s art through verbal description and engaging conversation.

This month, learn about Isamu Noguchi’s large-scale public works and explore the tension between an artist’s desire for perfection and the unpredictability of working with natural elements.

Seen and Unseen tours are free with RSVP and are offered remotely on Zoom. To register for the program and receive a Zoom link or dial-in phone number for the virtual tour, please email education@noguchi.org or call 718.204.7088 ext 203.

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