Isamu Noguchi, Swimming Pool for Josef von Sternberg, 1935 (cast 1977). Bronze cast of plaster...

Swimming Pool for Josef von Sternberg

1935 (cast 1977)
In Los Angeles, where I had fled from a life of making portrait heads in New York, I met the architect Richard Neutra, who suggested that I do a swimming pool for Josef von Sternberg for whom he was designing a house. A plaster model was made in the inner court of the Stendahl Gallery while I was also working on a head of Helen Gahagan. As part of the pool, water flows down a slope on which fat Von Sternberg could lie before jumping into this first lozenge-shaped pool.
Original Noguchi Collection
Quotations by Isamu Noguchi from The Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1987), unless otherwise noted.